​​​​​​​Our Story

All Kids Alliance is Houston's original voice of collective impact! We are dedicated to building “systems” that will improve the lives of our children and families by applying collective impact principles to create sustainable results.​

Our history goes back to 2005. We started as the Greater Houston P16+ Council, bringing business, education, non-profit, parent, faith community and other representatives to a decision-making table. That Council agreed that we needed to connect pre-school with “K-12” systems, and “K-12” with “Higher Education” institutions. In short, we agreed to advocate for a​ “student roadmap to success ."We also agreed that decisions inside our organization and others must be informed by data.

After a couple years’ development, the Greater Houston P-16+ Council became aware of a deeply systemic approach to this work being undertaken in Cincinnati; it is called


In 2008, we transitioned the Council into a new model that would become All Kids Alliance, and we began our work as an adaptation of the Strive framework for the entire metropolitan Houston area. By 2015 All Kids Alliance was called on locally and nationally to apply collective impact in sectors beyond education that impact children and families.  

All Kids Alliance developed The Anatomy of Collective Impact to coach communities, organizations, and schools on strategies that best work for "where they are." Consulting includes convening a multi-stakeholder leadership group that targets points of urgency to begin working for academic improvement for its children to coaching on the use continuous improvement processes. All Kids Alliance supports Collective Impact through:

Comprehensive Coaching for robust Collective Impact partnerships, from start-up to sustainability.

Introductory Workshops for social sector and busine​ss organizations interested in learning about Collective Impact.

Differentiation Workshops for coalitions interested in comparing their infrastructure and processes to the fundamentals of Collective Impact .
Alignment Workshops for agencies (not part of Collective Impact initiatives) that want to adjust their practices and programming to fundamentals in Collective Impact.​

See our introductory packet​.​

​​Our Council of Executives

During the first five years of All Kids Alliance, a “who’s who” of business, education, and non-profit leaders provided invaluable guidance and financial support.  This group, called the Council of Executives, adopted and updated our vision and mission statements.  They laid out a model “roadmap to student success” which our regional partnerships emulated.  And they generally provided oversight for our operations.

The business and organizations depicted in the “logo boxes” to the right were represented on the All Kids Alliance Council of Executives at the time of our transition to a “fee-for-service” organization.​​












Non Profit Community Members.pdf



